Looking for a Daycare?

Selection of a daycare center can be stressful. In order to make a confident decision there are several factors to examine. take a look of the options we have on My Caterpillar Daycare.


Safety is our main concern, we have an Emergency Preparedness Plan which includes Monthly Drills.
Evacuation and relocation plans are posted in our Daycare to ensure safe exit.
We also spend time after each drill to discuss with the children the purpose of the drill to further their understanding and help eliminate any possible fears.
we are also registered and licensed thru the state department of education early learning division.


Between our Parents and Teacher Rosa is paramount. We are always available for a face-to-face personal meeting or personal phone call. We encourage Parents to stop by, no appointment is necessary. When you visit, it is quite apparent that our little clients (children) are happy and very engaged in age-appropriate activities


Our home is really safe, recently renovated, registered and Licensed by the State, cleanliness is inherent with all of our activities and instruction. Lots of space for kids to roam around supervised by Teacher Rosa.


Age Appropriate curriculum for all children’s literature, toys, playtime and other related activities. Our purpose is to create an enriched environment that will stimulate learning in all developmental areas; physical, social-emotional, intellectual, language and literacy, as well as to foster wonder, curiosity, and a genuine pleasure in learning. We also provide an environment that will affirm the culture of all the children who attend our Daycare and encourage them to appreciate and respect the culture of others.​


Very affordable give us a call to talk about your needs, but what is more important is what money cannot buy…
Teacher Rosa always want to put forth the happiness and emotional security of the children while they develop social, motor, and cognitive skills.